Dotowhe Reddington tọn

Sọn Wikipedia

Dotowhé Reddington tọn, (Reddington Hospital) yin Dotowhé akuẹnọ lẹ tọn dé he tin to Ayimatẹn Awọnlin tọn mẹ to Otogbo Naijilia tọn mẹ

Whenue eyin didoai[jlado | jla asisado]

Reddington bẹ azọn jẹeji taidi mẹgopọntọ mẹ he to azọ̀njẹ lẹ tọn to 2001, to whenẹnu wẹ e do Cardiac Centre ai he yin fi he ye nọ pọn ahunzọ̀n te to Victoria Island he tindo kọndopọ hẹ Dotowhé Cromwell Hospital to London. Dotowhé ehe yin didoai to 2006 bo do kando to Ikẹja.

Zannu ohia tọn[jlado | jla asisado]

Nuhe tin to Zannu ehe ji wẹ: Reddington pioneered Nigeria's first Digital Cardiac Catherization and Angiography suite, finẹ wẹ yin Dotowhé vonọtaun ahunzọ̀n tọn.

Nuhe ye nọ wa to Dotowhe lọ lẹ[jlado | jla asisado]

Dotowhe ehe nọ penukundo azọ̀n ehelẹ go:

Renal dialysis
Obstetrics po gynaecology po
Surgery (endoscopy po day-care po)
ENT (Ear, Nose po Throat) surgery po
Gastroenterology (digestive diseases)