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Abimbola Adunni Adelakun

Sọn Wikipedia
Abimbola Adunni Adelakun
Sunnu kavi yọnnuyọnnu Jlado
Otò he mẹ e wá sọnNaijilia Jlado
Metogbeayọnu gbe Jlado
Azọ́n etọnkinkantọ, university teacher Jlado
Field of workAfrican studies, Pentecostalism, spirituality Jlado
Educated atUniversity of Ibadan Jlado
Akọ̀Ayọnu lẹ Jlado

Abimbola Adunni Adelakun (yin jiji to azán fọntọ̀ntọ Zósun) to otogbó Naijilia tọn mẹ.

Otàn gbẹzan etọn tọn

[jlado | jla asisado]

E yin jiji to Ibadan, to huwaji-wheyihọ Naijilia tọn, bo yi wehọmẹ alavọ Ibadan tọn. E mọ gbedewema daho yi to nupinplọn gando lehe ye nọ dotoai, kanwé,hiawe na gbẹtọ lẹ. Podọ e sọ yi gbedewema daho hugan to owedúdú mẹ to wehọmẹ alavọ Texas, Austin tọn mẹ. E wazọn po linlinwhe (The Punch newspaper) tọn to Awọnlin, to togbo Naijilia tọn mẹ, taidi Wekantọ́ de. E plọnwe gando aṣa egbezangbe aflika tọn go podo lehe ye sọgan nọgbẹ bosọ yin didohia gbọn mẹpọnnu oplọn tọn dali, ada, Aflikanu. E kan owe voovo lẹ he ko yin Zinzinjẹ̀gbonu do linlinwe voovo mẹ ehe bẹ kandai yọnnu po sinsẹn, kandai aṣa po nupinplọn gando yọnnu Aflikanu tọn hẹn. Owe he é Kan lẹ sin hosọ lẹ wẹ: (‘Coming to America: Race, Class, Nationality and Mobility in “African” hip hop’ 2013; Pentecostal Panopticism and the Phantasm of “The Ultimate Power” 2018; The Spirit Names the Child: Pentecostal Names and Trans-ethics’ 2020; ‘Black Lives Matter! Nigerian Lives Matter!: Language and Why Black Performance Matters’ 2019; ‘Pastocracy: Performing Pentecostal politics in Africa’ 2018; ‘Godmentality: Pentecostalism as performance in Nigeria’ 2017; ‘The Ghosts of Performance Past: Theatre, Gender, Religion and Cultural Memory’ 2017; ‘Spectacular Prophecies: Examining Pentecostal Power in Africa’ 2017; ‘Remixing Religion: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference’ 2014; ‘Yoruba Studies Review’ and ‘I am hated, therefore I am: The Enemy in Yorùbá Imaginary’). Ewọ wẹ yin dowatọ́ otanwe he hosọ etọn yin: Under the Brown Rusted Roofs tọn.

Alọdlẹdonu lẹ

[jlado | jla asisado]